1. Lend a hand to a woman with a baby buggy going downstairs - she says her husband is already downstairs to help her carry it upstairs on the other side again. //
Wollte einer Frau mit dem Kinderwagen helfen, doch sie hatte bereits ihren Mann als Hilfe dabei (wo auch immer er war...)
1. Woman can't get ticket at ticket machine. (Frau verzweifelt am Bahnautomaten)
2. Family of 6 persons enters the train, I get up so they can sit together. (Stehe auf, damit eine 6-Köpfige Familie beieinander sitzen kann)
I am completely positive what you call a try is actually an achievement. You lending a hand, even if it wasn't necessary, is sure to have made this woman's day. If she ever needs to restore her faith in humanity, I hope she remembers you and the pure kindness out of which you wanted to help her with the buggy.
AntwortenLöschenYou are an inspiration.
Thank you for existing. On behalf of the whole world, really.
Oh thank you! You are a very kind person! May you be blessed in every step yu take
LöschenSincerely, Tash